The 2022 Dallas Emmaus Silent Auction
is now live!
If you have not registered for the Emmaus Virtual Auction, you are about to miss out! Not to mention, funds raised from the Auction and Golf Tournament go to help defray the costs of walks for pilgrims.
Find gifts for family and friends, household items, sports memorabilia, golf foursomes, lakehouse getaway, restaurant gift cards, handmade items, etc. There is even an option to ride a genuine SW Airline 737 flight simulator for 8! To register and start bidding on items go to the link DEC.CBO.IO or click here.
Don't be left out!!! Sign up today!! The Auction Closes Monday, April 25 @ 8:00 PM
How Do I Register?
-Go to the auction website at DEC.CBO.IO or click here.
-Click on the “Register Now”button.
· You will be prompted for information including your name, address, and phone number.
· Be sure to Check the Box to receive text messages if you want to use your cell phone for bidding.
· You will also be prompted to enter your credit card information.
-After you have registered, you will receive a text that says, “Welcome” and a “Thank You” email with a link.
· Tap on the link to preview items.
· Save this information.
· The link is operational for bidding thru Monday, April 25th at 8 PM at which time the auction will end and the winners are notified via email.
Please Note: Your card will not be charged until we receive confirmation of your successful winning bid(s) on any auction items. ClickBid software keeps all registration on a private secured network and all credit card data is encrypted.
Remember to SHARE this email with your friends, church members, and family. You do not have to be an Emmaus member to participate in this fun event.
The fun is about to begin …so register today!
If you have any questions, please contact the Silent Auction chair at [email protected].
De Colores, Joel Allard Silent Auction Chair
Please join us for the next Candlelighting!
Saturday, April 23rd @ 8:00pm
at Sabine Creek Ranch in Royse City for Woman's Walk #280.
Show these latest Pilgrims how much the Community LOVES them!
Sabine Creek Ranch
576 Sabine Creek Rd.
Royse City, TX 75189
Next time you are on Facebook, search for the Dallas Emmaus Community, then select the "Like" button to be updated on the latest news and events including Candlelights, Gatherings, prayer requests and more. "Share" or "Suggest" the page to your Emmaus friends so they can stay easily connected to the Dallas Emmaus Community too.
The Dallas Emmaus Community has fully converted to Ministry Manager as our database for all community members' information. If you have not already done so please take a moment to log in to verify or possibly update your information. This database is used for team selection so it's important your information is up to date!