Volunteer to Serve
The first step to serving in the Dallas Emmaus Community is to simply show up to a Sendoff, Candlelight or Closing to show your support and encouragement of each pilgrim on their Walk. Do this as often as you desire. Come early and help setup chairs and fellowship with others in the Community.
If you want to become more involved with team service, you are encouraged to serve on a 4th Day Team. This is the background team that supports the Walk from the outside - setting up and taking down and everything in between. You can serve in many different capacities as a member of the 4th Day Team. As well, you may serve on one or all of the days involved. You are not limited to the number of 4th Day Teams you can work. In fact, the more 4th Day Teams you work, the more you will understand what is necessary to support the entire Walk. This is the first requirement to serving on the inside (conference room) team or on the team assistant team.
After you have served on the 4th Day Team, your name is added to the database of persons eligible to work as a Team Assistant/TA or as an Assistant Table Leader/ATL. After serving as a TA and an ATL at least once, you become eligible to be a Table Leader/TL. After you serve 2-3 times as a TL, you are eligible to serve as an Assistant Lay Director/ALD. After you serve as an ALD 2-3 times, you become eligible to be a Lay Director/LD.
Teams are selected through prayerful consideration of eligible servants, not based on who knows who. Team members, except clergy and musicians, are limited to serving on one team every nine months. This helps to ensure more eligible servants are rotated into service. The best way to become involved is to keep showing up and helping wherever you see a need. To sign up to serve on an upcoming Walk, view the Walk Schedule (under Events->Walks) and send an email to the 4th Day Director/4DD of the Walk on which you wish to serve (email: [email protected] where XXX is the Walk Number).
The first step to serving in the Dallas Emmaus Community is to simply show up to a Sendoff, Candlelight or Closing to show your support and encouragement of each pilgrim on their Walk. Do this as often as you desire. Come early and help setup chairs and fellowship with others in the Community.
If you want to become more involved with team service, you are encouraged to serve on a 4th Day Team. This is the background team that supports the Walk from the outside - setting up and taking down and everything in between. You can serve in many different capacities as a member of the 4th Day Team. As well, you may serve on one or all of the days involved. You are not limited to the number of 4th Day Teams you can work. In fact, the more 4th Day Teams you work, the more you will understand what is necessary to support the entire Walk. This is the first requirement to serving on the inside (conference room) team or on the team assistant team.
After you have served on the 4th Day Team, your name is added to the database of persons eligible to work as a Team Assistant/TA or as an Assistant Table Leader/ATL. After serving as a TA and an ATL at least once, you become eligible to be a Table Leader/TL. After you serve 2-3 times as a TL, you are eligible to serve as an Assistant Lay Director/ALD. After you serve as an ALD 2-3 times, you become eligible to be a Lay Director/LD.
Teams are selected through prayerful consideration of eligible servants, not based on who knows who. Team members, except clergy and musicians, are limited to serving on one team every nine months. This helps to ensure more eligible servants are rotated into service. The best way to become involved is to keep showing up and helping wherever you see a need. To sign up to serve on an upcoming Walk, view the Walk Schedule (under Events->Walks) and send an email to the 4th Day Director/4DD of the Walk on which you wish to serve (email: [email protected] where XXX is the Walk Number).