Greetings, everyone! Today I would like to give you some background information on Ministry Manager, the application and database system supplied by the Upper Room for the use of the Dallas Emmaus Community as well as ALL of the worldwide Emmaus communities. I have been the acting Database Administrator lead person for the Ministry Manager application for a couple of years now. While I’m in the process of transitioning out, we have a database team that is in position and is taking over the responsibilities and duties.
Ministry Manager (MM) is used by the Dallas Emmaus Community to maintain data about Walk participation (including attending as a pilgrim and/or serving on a team), and to help with the Team Selection process for future Walks. In other words, if you want to be considered for future teams, you need to make sure your data is in MM and is correct!
We are requesting that you sign into MM and verify your data; if you can’t sign in, we’ve got a form for you to fill out to help us try to locate your information.
Here’s how to get into MM, provided you know the email address:
If everything is correct, you’ll be logged in … skip to the “verify your information” below
If you’ve signed in but you don’t remember your password:
Click the “Forgot Password?” blue words
On the next screen, enter the email address
If the address is NOT valid in MM, it will tell you that it’s a invalid address … skip to the “How to get/set my MM email”. (If you still have access to older emails that might be used, you can try them as well.)
If the address IS valid in MM, you’ll get an email with instructions on resetting your password. Check your email after a few minutes, and be sure to check your spam/junk folders if you don’t see it. Follow the instructions to get logged in.
There’s also a “Sign Up” blue button on the log in screen. At this point in time, we ask that you NOT use this … You can get a profile set up, but getting it associated with the Dallas Emmaus Community requires Upper Room assistance. It’s better to use the next section “How to get/set my MM email”
How to get/set my MM email:
If you’ve been associated with the Dallas Emmaus Community at all in the past, chances are good that you’ve got information in MM. This is especially true if you were a pilgrim in the DEC, or if you’ve served on an inside team in the last 10 years, possibly more.
If you have any trouble finding the email associated with your account, please click here ( and fill out the form. Someone from the database team will get back with you.
Verify Your Information:
Once you are logged into MM, there are multiple screens to be aware of, and to look at.
In particular, go to your profile by clicking on on the small person icon () at the right hand side of the screen in the top menu bar. Once there, you should see your information and be able to update most of it.
We recommend that you look around, if you see anything that needs to be updated, click on it and see if you can update it yourself. If not, please send an email to: [email protected] with your MM email address and what needs to be updated.
Note that once you are logged in, you can scroll to the bottom of the screen and click the “FAQ” button to see a series of Video Tutorials about using and updating MM. Note that for most people, only the first 6 videos are applicable; the remaining videos are for the Board of Directors, Database Administrators, and Community Leaders.
We appreciate your help!
Dale Young, Database Administrator, DEC
Walk #192, Golden Spread Emmaus Community, Amarillo, TX
October 2006, the table of Peter. [email protected]
From a Community Spiritual Director
Years ago, when our children were young, we took them to see the musical “Carousel”. After the performance, one of them remarked, “It was good, but there was too much singing.” Dianne and I disagreed because we love the music. One of my favorite songs contains the line “May was full of promises”, which speaks of the transition from spring to summer.
We certainly find ourselves in a season of transition this May. Dallas County has recently changed its Covid Risk Level to green, and many of us are starting to venture out more confidently. Children and grandchildren are getting restless as they anticipate their summer vacation. Our lawns are becoming greener, and we are starting to see more and more blooms popping up in flower beds. The United Methodist Church is still awaiting a date for General Conference when important legislation will be voted on. This is also the season for lots of congregations saying “goodbye” and “hello” to their pastor.
Transitions find us in that liminal space between what was, what is, and what is not yet. It’s full of unknown “promises”. As Christians, we know that we can trust those promises. In his letter to the church in Rome, Paul wrote, “We know that in everything God works for good with those who love him, who are called according to his purpose.” (Romans 8:28). This is my favorite verse of Scripture (or at least one of my top five!). It reminds me that God is always active in our lives and that God’s activity is always working for our benefit. God isn’t sitting idly by, watching as our lives unfold; God is involved! What good news!
Another song in “Carousel” is titled “June is Bustin’ Out All Over” and reminds the cast and audience that the promises of May will soon come to pass. The lyrics go on to encourage us to “Look around! Look around! Look around!” to see that “June is bustin’ out all over”. I know that it’s not June yet, but let’s follow the song’s lead. Let’s look around to see all that God is doing in our lives to prepare us for the future, secure in the knowledge that God’s plans are for “a future with hope” (Jeremiah 29:11).
Look around! God’s grace is bustin’ out all over!
Keith Payne Boone
DEC Spiritual Director
Dallas #5, Table of John
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The Dallas Emmaus Community has fully converted to Ministry Manager as our database for all community members' information. If you have not already done so please take a moment to log in to verify or possibly update your information. This database is used for team selection so it's important your information is up to date!
Did you know that you can attend any Tuesday Follow-up and find a Reunion Group?
Walk Follow-ups happen on the Tuesday following every walk and include both sharing time for the recent pilgrims and a time for them to try to form Reunion Groups. If you are in need of a Reunion group, this would be a great place to start. If you're interested in attending a Follow-up meeting, send an email to the Lay Director or Head TA of the walk for the meeting location. Contact information can be found on the Dallas Emmaus website
Looking for an opportunity to serve in a powerful ministry? Visit Kairos of Texas online to find out about the units and areas of ministries near you.
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"... whatever you did for the least of my brothers, you did for me."
~ Matthew 24:40