Prayer is such a strong part of the Emmaus experience both for the Pilgrims and the ones praying. With that in mind, I extend the invitation for you to participate in Prayer Vigils assigned to our Community. If you are asked to sign up for a time on an upcoming walk, please give it some thought and try to participate in prayer vigils. Signup on-line for a time slot under Events-> DEC Walks and click on the Prayer Vigil for the Walk of interest. You can also sign up on the home page in the specified "Walk" box! You can also signup at a candlelight for a following walk. Praying Suggestions for the Prayer Vigil The following list of suggestions is offered for anyone who would like to use them in praying the prayer vigil. Please pass them on to others who might use them. Begin by asking God to clear your mind from all outside distractions. Place your thoughts and your spirit with the people and the Walk that you have come to ask God to bless. Be silent for a few minutes and begin to sense His presence with you. Ask God to bless with His Spirit the buildings, the grounds and all things used during the Walk. PRAY for the lay director, if not by name, by duty. The lay director must walk in God’s spirit for anything he or she may be called upon to solve. PRAY for the assistant lay directors in much the same way. PRAY for the spiritual directors, that they may be true instruments of God’s spirit. PRAY for the Board representative, that she/he may have the courage to keep the purity of the Walk and not let personalities keep them from doing what she/he promised God she/he would do. PRAY for the table leaders as they interact with the pilgrims. . .that they will be instruments in building community among the pilgrims at their table. PRAY for the speakers. Pray that they remember the One whom they represent, that they lay down self, and glorify God. PRAY for the talks, for the message they give, for the speakers, and for those who hear. . .that they hear according to their need. PRAY for: Priority, Prevenient Grace, Priesthood of All Believers, Justifying Grace, Life in Piety, Growth through Study, Means of Grace, Christian Action, Obstacles to Grace, Discipleship, Changing Our World, Sanctifying Grace, Body of Christ, Perseverance, and Fourth Day. PRAY for the musicians, that their music may bring God’s message and soothe troubled souls. PRAY for the pilgrims. . .the ones who can’t leave their thoughts behind, the ones uneasy in the setting, the ones who can’t sleep, the ones forced to come, the ones looking for magic not miracles, the ones who are open and receiving, and for all conditions known only to God. PRAY for the fun and fellowship, that it may warm hearts and stay focused on God. PRAY for all prayer warriors, the support team, the community, the cooks, and all who minister in unrecognized ways. PRAY for all the agape gifts, for the hands that made them and for the blessings they bring. PRAY for the sponsors. PRAY for the special times. . .Time of Silence, Dying Moments, Candlelight, Letter Time, Closing. Lastly, give it all to God, asking for His blessing and presence with everyone connected. . .not only with those mentioned, but also with families and friends at home. PRAY by praising and thanking God for the opportunity He has given you to talk to Him on behalf of His children. AMEN It may be helpful to follow these suggestions: • Only sign up for a time when you can devote the entire hour to prayer. • Find a quiet place free from interruption. • Before you begin, pray for forgiveness and ask for the presence of the Holy Spirit. • Picture the Walk as you pray. • If you have a conflict, call some to take your time. • After you pray, ask God to remind the next person on the Prayer Vigil to pray and ask for His presence to be with that person. • Feel free to say no if you are asked to pray during a time that is difficult for you; another opportunity will come. (Taken from the Llano Emmaus Community Newsletter) SUGGESTIONS FOR PRAYER • Safe travel to and from the Walk • Good health, open minds and hearts • Undivided attention, Christ-like team wisdom • Patience, trust and calm • Joy and a sense of God’s love • For the Holy Spirit to meet each Pilgrim’s needs • For the team to open themselves as God’s channels • For the guidance of the Holy Spirit in the lives of pilgrims and team • To realize God’s grace is sufficient for all needs • May also pray the meditations in front of our Walk to Emmaus book. De Colores! and don’t forget to PRAY! |