Click above on the logo for more information on Upper Room's Day Four Restore
Note: On their page the registration is for their Day Four Restore Retreat. If you want the Dallas Emmaus Day Four Restore Click below. |
Day Four Restore is a one-day retreat designed to refresh the spirit and renew the commitment of those in the Dallas Emmaus Community. The one-day event is open to those who have previously been on a Walk to Emmaus or Chrysalis event.
The event includes two talks, one by a Clergy, and one by a Lay person. There are table talks and other spiritual events, along a brief communion service. Lunch will be provided. Dallas Emmaus is excited to offer these one-day retreats as a way to inspire and re-fire your 4th Day walk. We all know life has a way to drag us back down after your walk experience. This is also true for each time you serve on a team! So if you are wondering if this is right for you... Or if God is tapping you on your shoulder... The answer is "Yes"! These events are smaller than our Walks to Emmaus three day weekends, so space is limited. Please register early!
The community walks and events are organized by our board and supporting committees. See the Contact Us pull down for current members on these committees. You can send email to these individuals or send us email (see the Contact Us menu). If your walk was in a different community and you would like to be part of the Dallas Emmaus Community, please attend one of our events to become connected or send us email (see the Contact Us menu). |