Day Four Restore, New Marketing Materials and New Web Features
October 8, 2022
Day Four Restore is HERE!
We have scheduled our FIRST Day Four Restore event. This is a single-day retreat event for Emmaus Alumni. It is meant to rejuvenate and invigorate the Emmaus community
The Event will be held on:
November 19th, 2022
8:30am - 3:00pm Lake Highlands UMC
9015 Plano Road
Dallas, TX 75238
Day Four Restore is a one-day retreat designed to refresh the spirit and renew the commitment of those in the Dallas Emmaus Community. The one-day event is open to those who have previously been on a Walk to Emmaus or Chrysalis event. The event includes two talks, one by a Clergy, and one by a Lay person. There are table talks and other spiritual events, along a brief communion service. We will have the opportunity to worship, to pray, and most importantly to spend time renewing our relationships with Jesus! Lunch will be provided.
Please register your attendance so that we can get an accurate count of attendees.
De Colores,
Larry Naeyaert DEC Community Lay Director
New Website Announced
We have some new tools that clearly communicate what the Walk is all about to prospective Pilgrims. The new website explains everything that happens on a weekend – the goal is total transparency.
How to Explain the Walk
Ever had trouble explaining the Walk to Emmaus to prospective pilgrims? Ever know someone who wanted to go but didn’t have a sponsor? That’s exactly what the new website is for. You can invite people to check out the site where they can get their questions answered and find a sponsor if they don’t have one.
New Marketing Materials
We have some new marketing materials to drive people to the new website. One that you can use immediately is an 8.5x11 flyer that can be downloaded here, printed and put into Sunday School folders, at welcome desks, etc.
You can also order business cards to always carry with you and 4x9 rack cards for your church’s information center, if your church has one.
Be a Connector
Sign up to be a Connector.
When prospective pilgrims click on the CONNECT WITH US button on the website, the Marketing Coordinator (Kenna Davidson) will respond with an email to the Connectors and the first one to respond will be their Connector. The Connector will be in charge of getting back with them by phone, email or text within 24 hours.
If you are a member of an upcoming Inside Team, you’ll be asked (by a Connector) to communicate with this prospective pilgrim and as soon as they are ready to commit and fill out the new electronic application, you will find them a sponsor.
Contact the Kenna if you’re willing to be a Connector.
Please understand that this process is envisioned for those prospective pilgrims that don’t already have a sponsor or a way to get good information about the Walk to Emmaus event.
Become a Sponsor
If you’ve run out of people to ask, this would be a great adventure for you to sponsor someone that you haven’t met yet. If you’re not on an upcoming team and would like to be a Connector/Sponsor yourself, Contact Kenna.
Order printed materials
Contact our Marketing Coordinator, Kenna Davidson, at (469) 261 9503 or email him at [email protected] with questions or to order printed business cards or rack cards. These materials will be sent to you free of charge and postage paid.
We are in the process of updating our Website ( Check it out!
We have added online registration and payment! You can find these features under the Register & Pay menu in the Title Bar.